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Article: Our Love Letter to Catalina: Avalon Bikini by Tai

Our Love Letter to Catalina: Avalon Bikini by Tai

Our Love Letter to Catalina: Avalon Bikini by Tai

In September 2021, Tai & Austin visited Catalina Island. Below is a letter written by Tai, dedicated to Avalon inspired by her short but memorable time spent there.

my dearest avalon,

As I sit at home in my rainy backyard — I am remembering our time together, suddenly filled with a bittersweet nostalgia that wraps around me like a tight hug. From the moment I set foot on your shores, I knew there was something special about you. Perhaps it’s your dreamy waters, where the hot california sun beats on your sparkling ripples of current or maybe it’s the way your cliffs stand tall & majestic, casting their shadow over the harbor below.

a place that I will be forever reminiscing about as contrasting, with your scorching rays that warm my skin & your icy waters that taught me to plunge fearlessly. Yet, it’s this very juxtaposition that makes you so enchanting, so utterly irresistible to an island girl who had the joy of meeting you. There is a magic in the air here — it’s undeniable.

time seems to stand still when I think about how I met Austy in California, & it took us so long to visit Catalina together. I learned later that he was saving it for a reason & every moment I can recall feels like a precious gift. It’s where he got scuba certified as a child, swimming through kelp forests & escaping from LA.

I adore your sleepy neighborhoods, your bustling cafes & boats everywhere you look. There is a richness to your streets, a tapestry of stories woven into the fabric of your shores. From the seabirds that soar overhead to the colorful garibaldis that dart just below the surface like firecrackers.

Catalina holds a special place in my heart, & I will be forever grateful for the inspiration we found for Avalon. Drawn by Austy, dreamt by me, it captures the essence of our time together, a homage to the beauty & magic of a little island town that I am still getting to know. Peacefully existing yet never afraid to stand out.

Thank you for allowing me in your space, even just for a short time. I hope we drew something you can be proud of. I can’t wait until we meet again 💛🩵

with aloha from every ounce of my heart,

Photos by tai (catalina island september 2021)

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